La vie me traite bien

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Être en voyage me déboussole, je perd le fil du temps et j’oublie certaines tâches quotidiennes comme m’occuper de mon blogue ou manger.

Je suis à Venice Beach depuis près d’une semaine, mon auberge est à moins de deux minutes à pied de l’océan.  J’adore! Il n’y a pas vraiment d’autre mots pour décrire cet endroit 🙂  Je consacrerais plus tard un billet entier à cette drôle de plage.

Sinon j’ai appris que la célèbre série Baywatch mieux connue dans la francophonie sous le nom d’Alerte à Malibu a été tournée sur les plages de Santa Monica et non de Malibu.  En effet, les plages de Malibu ne ressemblent en rien à celles de l’émission car elles sont beaucoup plus sauvages!  Alors qu’à Santa Monica et Venice il y a les petites cabanes de lifeguards et leurs véhicules jaunes comme dans l’émission.

Par Cynthia

Montréalaise en escale à Paris.

5 commentaires

  1. Hi! So, I wanted to post the comment below on Akira’s blog for the post about your balade in Paris but the comment form always loads incorrectly for me…after I put in the word verification, there is nowhere to click « ok » to publish the comment 🙁 Anyway, so here is what I wanted to say!

    « hey Cynthia, I finally got a moment to catch up on reading some blogs….I must say, these photos are absolutely stunning! I love the black and white concept, and they look professionally done. What kind of camera do you have? What are people’s reactions to Akira? Do they even know what kind of dog he is? »

  2. L.: Oui ce l’est 🙂

    Crystal: Happy to « see you here »:) I’ll try to fix Akira’s blog.

    Thank you 🙂 I use a Canon Rebel XT and I think that these were taken with my Tamron lense (f4-5.6 55-200mm). My cam is pretty old now, I think it was first made in 2004!

    People are kind of scared of Akira, they usually pick up their dog if they’re small. Others love his look and would like to pet him but Akira isn’t too interested usually.

    Not a lot of people know his breed, they mostly think it’s a small husky or a wolf (lol). However, often kids know what breed it is because of Nintendogs 🙂

  3. hehe..i can totally picture those Parisian women scooping up their Yorkies to protect them from « your big bad sauvage looking dog » :p I find myself smiling at all dogs I pass, although in France, I feel too shy/scared to stop and ask owners about their dogs. In Canada, I wouldnt hesitate to go up to someone if their dog was particularly beautiful/interesting to ask about him. I also miss real dog parks 🙁

    Thanks for the camera info…I’m looking to get a new one, but I think all the Canon ones are pretty pricey. Just something with more megapixels than the one I have and crisper photos (and more options!)

  4. Yeah, and when they don’t pick up their Yorshire, their unleashed dogs often attack us 🙂

    We’re kind of lucky because we have some sort of dog park close to our appartment so I get to pet other dogs. But just like you, most of the time in the street I don’t even try to talk with other dog owners.

    About the camera, they are pricey especially since you have to buy lenses to get great pictures since the kit lens isn’t really good. I just bought my-self a small Casio point-and-shoot and I love it because the images are really crisp !

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