It was July ’15

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What a great month it was ! I have finally came around to translating my blog from French to English. I started writing Sur un Boeing Bleu de Mer in 2009, roughly a year after I left Montreal to live in Paris. My goal is to publish my new articles in French and English at the same time and publish once a week a translation of an updated older post.

Speaking of the blog, I have had to change my anti-spam plugin as it prevented some legit commenters from commenting. If you experience problems commenting, please let me know by Twitter, Facebook or e-mail.

We had the oddest weather for July in Paris: it went from an incredibly hot 39°C to a cool 16°C. Getting dressed in the morning was nightmare since you never knew what the weather was going to be like. I always end up being too cold or too hot. In my closet, my cashmere sweaters are side-by-side with my sleeveless summer dresses and it’s impossible to put either away.

I renewed my 1-year French residence permit for the seventh time this year and I still have no hope of getting the 10-year permit. This year they didn’t ask me for as many documents as they used to.  It was really odd that I ended up seeing the same civil servant as last year. She’s a nice lady and I was quite surprised that she was the one to recognise us !

I always choose a morning appointment and Réjean has to accompany me to prove that he’s still shacking-up with me, we are usually out by lunch. We have made it a ritual to eat together before splitting up to go to work. I enjoy it since we seldom have time to have a nice lunch together.

If all goes well, we should not get to eat lunch together next year as I might be French by then !

Ready for a swim in Lake Geneva

Akira, our dog, will be going away this week and we will leave for our holidays a few days later. While Akira will be enjoying a quiet retreat at our in-laws’, we will be travelling to Florida and spending time with my family.

Speaking of the Sunshine State, I have prepared for you a post about a unique place we had visited on our last trip in 2012. This mystery place has left me such an exceptional impression, it’s as if I was afraid of sharing it on World Wide Web, scared that it might tarnish the memories. I decided to publish a post about this marvellous place next Thursday, stay tuned!

Par Cynthia

Montréalaise en escale à Paris.

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